Payday Loans Aren't the Cure: Financial Strain and Health

The old adage 'you can't take it with you' is particularly ironic in today's economy, wherein financial worries and stress are causing serious, and often fatal, health issues for Americans. In times of economic downturn, it is common to see individuals and families turn to credit card and payday loan companies to secure payday loans and finance their needs, adding stress to their lives when the bill comes due. Furthermore, stress over financial issues is accentuated by interest rates and fees, and, due to the nature of these types of credit advances, the borrower often gets caught in a cycle of re-borrowing just to stay afloat. Clearly, such a cycle causes serious financial strain; borrowers who rely on such services often find themselves even more in debt and trapped by payments that they can't afford, leading to long term financial issues.

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Indeed payday loan services only treat the symptoms of financial health issues, rather than providing a cure. Relying on quick cash option may prove to be even more detrimental than one may initially presume, however, affecting not only one's financial security but one's physical and mental health.

Approximately seven in ten Americans admit to experiencing high-levels of stress about finances. While some stress is normal and healthy, experiencing consistent, recurring distress can put one's health at risk. Studies have shown that depression and sleeping issues, such as insomnia and fatigue, are associated with high levels of financial stress. Increased anxiety levels and panic attacks are also associated prolonged financial stress, and alcoholism is often correlated with both anxiety and depression.

While bad enough in their own rights, depression and anxiety are not the only health issues related to elevated stress levels. According to an article on Web MD, stress can influence health in more dramatic ways, as it linked with many fatal diseases including cancer, liver cirrhosis, heart disease, and lung ailments. Since finances are a leading cause of stress, it is evident that controlling one's finances may help one maintain his/her physical and mental health.

Furthermore, financial problems and stress are mutually encouraging; not only do financial issues cause stress, but stress can lead to an increase in financial issues. When stress levels increase, people often find quick and expensive solutions, such as cash advances, or spend impetuously to get temporary emotional relief and alleviate the feeling of anxiety. Payday loans can help reduce stress temporarily, but the long term effects of paying high interest and fees can increase a borrowers overall anxiety levels. And because these types of advances are typically recurrent, meaning they are used repeatedly, the stressor, i.e. a pending loan or credit card bill, is not often eliminated for months. Such prolonged exposure to stress is bound to take a toll on one's health, whether physically or mentally.

On the inverse, cultivating good financial practices can improve your health. Obviously, lowered stress levels will lead to a healthier, happier life. Yet, less obviously having good financial health generally means having a savings account, which can come in handy should any physical health issues arise. Having an emergency savings fund will allow an individual to seek medical attention when needed without resulting in borrowing from payday loan lending companies. As such, good financial practices can help an individual to maintain a physically and mentally healthy lifestyle. When it comes to stress, temporary relief isn't enough: preventative measures, such savings accounts, provide longer lasting resulting, curing the problem rather than treating the symptoms.

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